venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

Redhat Fedora mount ISO file as cdrom/dvd

Nel caso debba montare la chiave usb:

1    inserire la chiavetta usb
2      Lanciare
Dovrebbe apparire verso la fine dell’output una device SCSI vista come /dev/sda1 o /dev/sdb1
3      Creare una dir /mnt/usb
4      lanciare
Mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
5      Copiare la iso


1      Loggarsi come root. Digitare:
mkdir /mnt/iso
mkkdir /enrico

2      Copiare la iso in /enrico
cp /enrico

3      Montare la iso in /mnt/iso
mount -t iso9660 -o loop /enrico/ /mnt/iso/

4     Navigare in /mnt/iso come se fosse il cdrom/dvd normalmente

venerdì 17 ottobre 2014

IP to block if youtube HD video slow

Block IP address or IP range in windows server 2008 by Windows Firewall

IP range to block for youtube cashes:

How to Block IP address or IP range in windows server 2008 by Windows Firewall
If you ever feel that someone may be trying to break into your server or know an IP address that you want to block from accessing your server there is a built in firewall on all windows server. You can use this firewall to block either a range of IP addresses or a single address. My server has some suspicious visits, so i decide to block these users.
1. Log into your server via Remote Desktop Connection.
2. Start -> administrative tools > windows firewall with advanced security.
3. On the left side of the firewall window click on the inbound rules option.
4. On the right side of the screen click on New Rule.
5. Click on the custom radio button and then click next.
6. Make sure the All programs radio is selected then click next.
7. On the protocol and ports options leave everything at its defaults and click next.
8. On the scope screen you will see two boxes the top one is for local IP addresses and the bottom is for remote IP addresses. In this scenario we are trying to block an outside (remote) IP from accessing anything on the server so we will need to add the IP address to this section only as it will not be a local IP address.
9. Click on the radio that says “these IP addresses ” in the remote section as shown below:
10. Click on the Add button.
11. In the next window we will be adding a single IP address to the rule, you can also add an entire range at this point if you wish.
12. Click ok, click next.
13. Make sure you select the Block the connection radio on the next screen and then click next.
14. Leave all of the options on the next screen checked this will be sure to block the IP no matter the connection they are trying to use. Click next.
15. Name the rule on the next screen something you can remember in case you wish to remove or edit it in the future. Click finish and thats it.