15 echo "- - -" >/sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
Questo comando forza un rescan del controller SCSI
This command forces the system to rescan the SCSI controller.
16 fdisk -l
17 fdisk /dev/sdb
Ho creato una partizione primaria di tipo 8e (LVM)
Created a primary partition type 8e (LVM partition)
19 man fdisk
20 fdisk -u /dev/sdb
21 fdisk -l
22 pvcreate /dev/sdb1
Questo comando collega il disco al sistema LVM
This command is adding the phisical volume to the volume group
23 vgs
Volume Group Show
24 pvadd
25 vgextend
26 vgextend --help
27 vgs
28 vgextend smosvg /dev/sdb1
Aggiunto nuovo disco al Volume Group
Added the new partiton created to the volume group I want to expand
29 vgs
30 lvextend
31 lvextend --help
32 lvs
Logical Volume show
33 lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/smosvg-optvol
QUesto comando allarga il volume "optvol" con tutto lo spazio libero nel Volume Group
This command will expand the "optvol" with all the available space (+100%) in the volume group
34 lvs
35 resize2fs /dev/mapper/smosvg-optvol
Rircostruisce il file system con le nuove dimensioni
Rebuilds the file system with the new dimentions
36 df -h
Questo comando forza un rescan del controller SCSI
This command forces the system to rescan the SCSI controller.
16 fdisk -l
17 fdisk /dev/sdb
Ho creato una partizione primaria di tipo 8e (LVM)
Created a primary partition type 8e (LVM partition)
19 man fdisk
20 fdisk -u /dev/sdb
21 fdisk -l
22 pvcreate /dev/sdb1
Questo comando collega il disco al sistema LVM
This command is adding the phisical volume to the volume group
23 vgs
Volume Group Show
24 pvadd
25 vgextend
26 vgextend --help
27 vgs
28 vgextend smosvg /dev/sdb1
Aggiunto nuovo disco al Volume Group
Added the new partiton created to the volume group I want to expand
29 vgs
30 lvextend
31 lvextend --help
32 lvs
Logical Volume show
33 lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/smosvg-optvol
QUesto comando allarga il volume "optvol" con tutto lo spazio libero nel Volume Group
This command will expand the "optvol" with all the available space (+100%) in the volume group
34 lvs
35 resize2fs /dev/mapper/smosvg-optvol
Rircostruisce il file system con le nuove dimensioni
Rebuilds the file system with the new dimentions
36 df -h
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